Investing in early care is investing in the future
The report ”EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE – an Investment in the Future” provides a brief overview of Nordic research in the field of early childhood education and care (ECEC). It shows that quality care and education enhance children’s individual well-being and the development of their language, social and emotional skills. Research also suggests that children who attend preschool do better in school later on.
For parents, the research shows that they fare better in the labour market and earn more when their children are in daycare.
The report was written by a Nordic Committee of Senior Officials for Education and Research working group, and the recommendations are clear:
- Provide qualitative ECEC for all children by investing in ECEC professionals and institutions. Research indicates that the investment pays off in the long term.
- Encourage groups with lower-than-average levels of participation to use ECEC services.
- Broaden the knowledge base to measure the impact of Nordic ECEC and how it helps promote social equity.
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